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1-Month Voice Acting Course led by Christina Blum

1-Month Voice Acting Course led by Christina Blum

Regular price $150.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $150.00 USD
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As with any profession or trade, it takes time for people to master their craft; voice acting included. A seminar at a famous studio or a weeklong boot camp with a voice coach may be cool, but it won't increase your abilities to the point of landing many voice gigs. That's why we designed this course to ensure students see tangible improvements in not just acting but speaking as a whole! Sponsored by Acthound Entertainment, we're developing key voice acting talents for potential roles in our own productions as well for even more opportunity!

Acthound's Voice Acting Course led by Christina Blum is designed to teach students about their vocal instrument and how to play it. Starting from the basics and diving deep into understanding the different parts, how to control them, and how to train them to ensure their longevity. You will learn about your Voicebox, your articulators, posture, warmup and breathing techniques, consonants, plosives, sibilance, natural articulation, handling a lisp, mic techniques, and so much more!

    Start Date: April 20th, 2024 

    Days: Weekends: (Saturdays &/or Sundays)

    Length of Classes: 1-3 hours (depending on instruction & materials) 


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